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About us Our philosophy

Filosofía del colegio Theodoro Hertzl

With a foundation on self-esteem and autonomy, the goal is to embrace rights and duties that are embedded in the concept of being part of an institution, and embracing love as a fundamental part of everyday life

as an important part

of our institutional philosophy, at CTH we educate for a harmonic coexistence with the environment and on the protection of our natural resources.

In everyday life at our school, students of different cultures, nationalities and religions coexist.   Respect for difference and diversity is one of our objectives.  The school believes in acting by conviction, which becomes the ideal for harmonic coexistence.

Our philosophy is strengthened by the Anti-bullying project “United within difference”, which is led by our older students, and which is a testament of healthy relations for our younger students

At the same time, the school is creating spaces of equality, in which we promote human rights, without distinctions of creed, race, religion, ideology, social groups, and we foster an environmental

awareness and

healthy habits.

We know that

being a part of

this world  requires a commitment, which

is why we follow the

Tikun Olam principle (“Repair the world” in Hebrew): we educate human beings that will innovate and transform

our surroundings

Our philosophy is

based on the monotheistic hebrew philosophy

(man and G-d, man and his peers, man and society, and man with his surroundings.)

It is a philosophy of

knowledge, awareness

and respect for self, others

and the environment

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